We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you happy holidays!
The school term officially ends today and resumes tentatively on Monday, January 4, 2016.
Please note however that the school office will remain open for the duration of the school holidays (except on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays of course).
Students, before you get all excited about the holidays, please observe the following things:
(i) Make sure that you keep up to date with your revisions throughout the holidays. Take your time while doing so.
(ii) Complete any homework assigned to you over the holidays. From experience, there is a very good reason why they were given to you in the first place (Hint: I think it has got to do with tests).
(iii) Take some time to reflect on your performance throughout the year. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and come up with a strategy for the new year.
(iv) Of course, take some time off and enjoy yourself. Do things you never had a chance to do. With that however, stay out of trouble and harm's way. Don't lose any limbs, or publish malicious statements that can land you behind bars, or go for a swim in flood waters.
With that, see ya in 2016!
P.S. SPM and STPM candidates, don't give up. Keep going. Freedom awaits you in a fortnight.
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